House arrest rules may be shortening in the near future.

Have you ever wondered why 14 days was selected as the minimum time for self-quarantine? Most of the time, 50% of COVID-19 symptoms begin to appear around the fifth or sixth day.

On a few occasions (9%), symptoms were delayed until the tenth day. On extremely rare occasions (2%) did symptoms appear on the fourteenth day. So, the CDC set the original self-quarantine at fourteen days.

CDC Evaluating Self-Quarantine Three days ago, word got out that the CDC is considering reducing the fourteen-day self-quarantine to as short as seven days.

The exact time of self-quarantine has not been determined, but it is under consideration. It appears that public disfavor and the length of the pandemic are forcing this reconsideration.

Newly confirmed COVID-19 cases are increasing. The public is getting pandemic fatigue. What modifications can be made that ensure safety and loosens the health and safety restrictions currently imposed?

Test with Self-Quarantine Testing is better and more available than months ago. Many people with COVID-19 have no symptoms, even after five days. They test positive, self-quarantine, and never had a single symptom.

Sometimes, a test will yield a false-positive. Is it possible a person under self-quarantine with no symptoms could get another test on the seventh day and the test be negative? Certainly, it is possible.
A false-positive can result from testing, a false-negative can occur as well. An infected person is now in circulation, observing the standard fare for safety – face masks, social distancing, hand washing, and the like.

COVID-19 Contagiousness COVID-19 infected people are contagious two to three days before symptoms appear. They are most contagious one to two days before they feel sick.

If a person has not been tested and they develop symptoms, it would be wise to think about who you were in close contact with over the past two to three days. For most of us, it is probably family.
Shortness of breath, fever, coughing, etc. might be that early tipoff that you might have something.

Taking your temperature after any COVID-19 symptom is a wise thing to do. Avoiding high-risk people is another wise thing to do.

Overseas Reactions Some European countries are in the process of reevaluating their self-quarantine restrictions. France, Germany, and Belgium have modified their quarantine requirements. is a link to current European travel bans including self-quarantine.


Public restlessness brought on by pandemic fatigue is causing people to modify their own safety and health restrictions. It is not wise, but it is what it is. The CDC is hoping that it brings back more compliance with self-quarantine by reducing the self-quarantine period.

France has a three-foot social distance. The United States has a six-foot restriction. These are arbitrary. Self-quarantine is arbitrary. Home arrest for thirty days guarantees no spread of the disease. A self-quarantine for ten days probably contains at least 97% of the spread. Is this adequate? Is it safe? We will wait for the powers that be to determine our fate!

Live Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin –


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