Do you have the right offense and defense to maintain great health?
WikiImages / Pixabay – Do you have the right offense and defense to maintain great health?

The Strategic Offensive principle of war is that the best defense is a good offense. It applies to many other operations other than war. How would that apply to your health?

The best defense for your health is the best immune system you can achieve. Your immune system is the first line of defense against most diseases. However, when we think of the terms offense and defense, they might not align as well in dealing with health.

Defense implies a backward motion. Maybe responding to an attack and maybe not. Offense indicates a forward motion with action expected at various stages. Rarely does an offense avoid conflict – maybe the Battle of San Jacinto was an exception.

The Battle of San Jacinto lasted 18 minutes (actually the killing lasted for hours). Eleven Texians were killed and 30 wounded. The Mexican Army suffered 650 soldiers killed and 300 captured.

Getting back to the health issue for the remainder of this blog. You need both a great defense – your immune system percolating on all cylinders – so to speak. And, you need a great offense supplying the nutrients needed to beef up and maintain a highly charged immune system, but also vigilant to not absorb casualties that would affect your health.

What casualties might I be talking about? The most common are free radicals – they are generated by living, toxins, digestion, breathing, exercise, etc. You can’t escape them. But, you can contain them with balanced nutrition contributing the required mix of antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals.

Toxins however are a different kind of casualty. They are mostly fat soluble. That means they are stored in your fat cells unless your body can quash them. This happens in your liver. Next to your immune system, you need a fully functional and strong liver. Minimizing exposure to toxins in food and personal care products primarily, can give the liver time to recover from its normal functions. Restricting eating (both calories and the number of times a day) can give your liver the rest needed to annihilate any toxins contained in the body.

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